تعتبر إزالة الغابات من أكبر التحديات البيئية التي تواجه أفغانستان. ووفقا لبرنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة فإن غطاء الغابات في أفغانستان انخفض بنسبه تقدر ب 50 في المئة علي مدى العقود الثلاثة الماضية. وقد اتصل حاكم مقاطعه باغرام بأنهام للمساعدة في خطه البلاد الخاصة ببيئة أكثر اخضرارا بدعم من الرئيس غاني وعمدة باغرام ورئيس الشرطة. هذا […]
The ANHAM Kuwait family organized its first charity event on March 17, 2017, to give back to the community in Kuwait. The team planned a full day of fun and activities for local children, mothers, and caregivers. More than fifty children, ranging from 6 months to 17 years of age, participated in the event, which […]
The Afghan Mobile Mini Circus for Children (MMCC) along with Afghanistan Educational Children’s Circus (AECC), both little-known charity organizations, have performed and conducted workshops for more than 2.7 million children in 25 provinces all over Afghanistan, including 14 Internally Displaced Camps since 2002. These charities offer a combination of entertainment and essential educational messages such […]
UNICEF estimates 40 percent of children in Afghanistan are not in school, but those numbers still represent a major improvement achieved since 2002. According to the World Bank, enrollment increased from 1 million to 8.7 million between 2002 and 2016. Another major change? Back in 2002, no girls were enrolled in formal education; boys accounted […]
ANHAM’s promise of exceptional service starts and ends with our ability to ensure every solution is tailored to the needs of our clients in any environment. As part of our mission to fulfill that promise, we created the Integrated Global Expenditures Tracking system (iGET). ANHAM’s iGET Systems has been heralded as a leader in the […]