ANHAM Kuwait Holds Event Benefiting Children
The ANHAM Kuwait family organized its first charity event on March 17, 2017, to give back to the community in Kuwait. The team planned a full day of fun and activities for local children, mothers, and caregivers. More than fifty children, ranging from 6 months to 17 years of age, participated in the event, which took place at the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait through coordination with the Ambassador, Renato Villa, and Nilda Oliva, Head of Social Welfare at the Philippine Embassy.
Disadvantaged children, considered “undocumented” in Kuwait, were the main focus of the event. The problem of undocumented children arises when low-income expatriate parents cannot meet the salary requirements to sponsor their child, or in some cases, when the children are left behind after their mothers are repatriated. Many of these children live effectively off-grid and are unable to be registered for daycares or schools, or even visit local clinics, hospitals or receive government-mandated vaccinations.
The children were eager to see what ANHAM had prepared for them at the day-long event, but it was neither the food nor the games that made the outreach memorable—it was the happiness visible on the children’s faces.
ANHAM’S team, Led by Susan Cruz, Yvette Palado, and Sharon So, consisted of over 30 valued associates including Brad Dunn, Program Manager, and Andy Kittsen, Deputy Program Manager. Distinguished guests from the United States Army and the United States Government also assisted the event. Lunch, drinks, and snacks were provided with support from many of ANHAM’s key partners in the community including Coca-Cola, Kuwait Danish, Kitco and Sara Cake.